Category: Students

  • Minnesota’s First Winter Nursing Internship!

    The Coronavirus has taken a lot from everyone, even students. Having to learn from a computer and not receive on the job training an eager student is hoping to obtain before getting set free into their desired field can be disheartening. That is why Health Partners, with the same perspective on the current education situation,…

  • One of our own: Joseph May

    On behalf of the Nursing department, I would like to show some recognition for one of the Junior Nursing student’s of class 2021, Joseph May who likes to go by “Joe”. Please take the time to read this article which talks about Joe’s journey and all the hard work he did to be where he is…

  • Sigma International Honors Society of Nursing 2019

    Congratulations to thirteen of our fellow Nursing Gusties who have been Inducted into this year’s Chi at-large chapter! The event was hosted by St. Olaf on November 2nd, 2019. The schools who attended were: Gustavus, St. Olaf, St. Catherine University and Bethel University. In order for a student to take part in this amazing opportunity,…

  • Nurses Day on the Hill

    Every year there is a day specific for student Nurses to be recognized and informed. That day is called Nurses Day on the Hill, this year that day was March 19th 2019. “The day will focus on briefing students about legislative priorities and facilitating their lobbying efforts with legislators. We aim to educate students about…